Modern Electrical Engineering Blog | E3.Series

Learn to Design With E3.series for Industrial Equipment

Written by Arthur Hoerlle | Jul 07, 2020

In industrial machine projects, two worlds need to be involved so that the results can reach the quality, efficiency and reliability that the market expects from its projects.

These worlds that we refer to are: the world of Electrical and the world of Mechanics. Each of them has its particularities, which need to be well documented in a mature and synchronized project process that undergoes constant updates.

The development of industrial machinery often has greater complexity in the mechanical than the electrical part. Therefore, when carrying out these projects it is essential to integrate the mechanical and electrical design.

With this in mind, E3.series seeks to enable a way of integrating the electrical part with the main mechanical software on the market, so that it is possible to provide a path that optimizes processes, reduces the number of errors and saves material in production.

See why E3.series can be the ideal tool for your demand.

To deal with the integration of these two worlds and to be able to correctly make the wire associations in the mechanic, E3.series has the additional module E3.3DRoutingBridge that complements the modules E3.schematic and E3.cable through integration with MCAD software.




Be sure to check out our new E3.schematic L1 course: